Channel: Ozzy Man Reviews
Category: Comedy
Tags: day 3day 2ozzymanday 1lawyersrecapexplainedvs lawyerdefamationreviewfriendkippermanday 8aussieday 7day 6jonnypsychologistcaseozzyday 5funnylawyersisterday 4isaacfunniestozzy man reviewsambercourtdoctorcompilationbest momentstestimonyjohnnyjohnny deppamber heardresponsesrottenbornjohhny
Description: Check out these Objection Collection Tees: a bunch of ya newly found favourite legal sayings you can wear around the house. Here's me recap and review on the first 8 days of Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. I've utilised the good old fashioned Game of Thrones format I used to do :) LIKE and SUBSCRIBE plz. Hit the notification bell! Seriously, do it.